Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quote of the Day

"A lovely thing about Christmas is that it's compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together." - Garrison Keillor

I adore Garrison Keillor and this quotes always makes me smile.

Music: "The Reason" - Hoobastank

Monday, December 20, 2010

Catch Up and Christmas Preparations

The past month or so has been busy and I have unfortunately gotten out of the habit of posting daily. This is going to be one of my New Year's resolutions I think. So lets see what has been happening since I last wrote. Thanksgiving was wonderful. Having people together and wonderful food is one of life's greatest pleasures, in my opinion. I guess you could say that I have a feeding people thing. One of my first impulses when I find someone attractive is to feed and cuddle them. Maybe it is a nurturing thing.

Last weekend, I accompanied Eric, a coremember, to New York City for a four day vacation. It was lovely. The weather was fantastic, chilly but not extremely cold. We visited many places around the city including Central Park, Union Square, the Met, Times Square, the Hard Rock Cafe, and Rockefeller Center. We stayed with Joe and Nora, friends of the L'arche community, in their apartment in Chelsea in Manhattan. They are so gracious and generous with their time and hospitality. Spending time bonding with Gabi was wonderful! In addition, I had to opportunity to see Alice, who majored in physics with me at Wells. We had dinner one night and it was so fantastic to catch up with her! Plus, the food at the restaurant was out of this world! :D

Getting ready for Christmas always seems like such a herculean effort. There is so much to accomplish and every year is squished into a small period of time. I perhaps would not mind it, if the work was spread out over a greater period of time. But then I am a procrastinator to the end, and even going in with the best intentions and plans, I wait until the last minute. At least my Christmas shopping has been done for over a week. I still need to wrap the gifts, but that is on my agenda for tomorrow. Our tree is finally decorated, and it always astounds me how beautiful it is each year. My parents have a gorgeous collection of ornaments, and my father's application of lights to the tree is a work of art.

I have to next two days off of work and have a great many things to accomplish. Emily arrives home on the 22nd, which I am greatly anticipating. This is such a busy time of year and yet is one of my favorites.

Music: "The Wexford Carol" - Yo Yo Ma and Alison Krauss

Sunday, December 19, 2010

OMG Best Thing Ever

Jen showed me something she found in Real Simple Magazine.  It is so unbelievably awesome I am bouncing in my seat I am so excited!  This website will send vintage telegrams that you write.  The price includes both the telegram and postage!  I need someone to send a telegram to right now! :D  www.telegramstop.com

Music: "O Holy Night" - Josh Groban

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Quote of the Day (Whoops really late! forgot to actually hit post last night! :P)

"A gourmet who thinks of calories is like a tart who looks at her watch." - James Beard

My mom and I just spent the last 5 hours cooking for Thanksgiving, which is now today. I am very tired but at least almost all of it was done tonight. Very little needs to be done tomorrow! :) This will make a much more relaxed day. When you are eating really good food, there is no reason to think of the calories, just enjoy it. How often do you eat really good food normally?

Music: "Kings and Queens" - 30 Seconds to Mars

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Escapades of an Evil Genius

Today I drove Pete to Buffalo so that he could spend Thanksgiving with his sister.  This is a three hour drive each way.  When on long car rides, Pete usually brings his headphones and listens to Mama Mia on repeat.  This would not be problem except that he sings along.  Loudly.  And off-key.  Needless to say I was a little apprehensive about a three hour ride with him.  But, mwahahahahaha!  I am an evil genius.  *Envision rubbing my hands together.*  I got Pete to sleep the whole way to Buffalo!!!!  This was done with some prior knowledge of Pete.  He pretty much always sleeps in the car if it is a longer ride than 15 min, unless he is listening to music where he knows the words.  So, I suggested that we listen to one of his CDs on the car stereo, the Irish music.  ;)  There are no words to sing and within 10 min he was nodding off.  He slept until we exited in Buffalo! It made for a very peaceful drive.  On the way home I listened to a playlist i made for the trip and Kris Allen's album on my ipod with the volume turned way up. :)  Very enjoyable.

And to make today even better, Emmy had a great day in the kitchen at school!   She'll be home in less than 24 hours!!! :D <3 <3

Music: "The Truth" - Kris Allen ft Pat Monahan

Quote of the Day

"When I count my blessings, I count you twice!" - Irish Blessing

Whenever I see this I always think of Emmy.  For several reasons, the first being that she is my favorite person in the world.  Also, my parents didn't know they were having twins, so it was twice the blessing fro one pregnancy. ;)  There are so many people in my life that are blessings, but she would be the first one that comes to mind.

Music: "Storm" - Lifehouse

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ventures in Hanging Out, Shopping and Comforting

This evening I am hanging out at Galster with Jens, Emily, Emily, Mary and Jeff.  Well, before Jeff took a nap.  :)  We mostly just sat around and talked, but later played the game contact.  I enjoy this game immensely.  Now I am watching Jens and Emily play Wii Tennis.  I went shopping earlier this afternoon.  I bought hot chocolate at Williams-Sonoma, spent waaay too much time at Sephora (which included spending more money than I intended!), and bought pins at Hot Topic.  In case you are curious here is what I bought: hot chocolate eye brightener perfume! dino pin nerd pin

 Emily is coming home in two days!!!!  I am super excited! :D :D <3  Talking to her on the phone is not the same as being with her in person.  Emmy had a bad day today and all I wanted to do was drive to Hyde Park and spend time with her until Thurs when I could drive her home.  But I have to work tomorrow which is MAJOR Fail. D:  I just want to give her a hug.  :( 

Music: "Mercy" - Duffy

Monday, November 22, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Peace begins with a smile." - Mother Theresa

A smile can be so many things.  I love you.  I am listening.  Hello. Thank you. You are funny.  I think you are cute.  Exasperation.  Patience.  Sympathy.  Empathy.  Understanding.  Confusion.  Politeness.  Hidden anger.  A hug.  Kindness.
I hope that smiles are given with love in your heart, especially when it is most difficult.  This is an attitude that I strive for every day.  A smile can make someone's day better.  I know it does for me.

Music: "Simple Gifts" - Yo Yo Ma and Alison Krauss

Thanksgiving Plans and Being Green

Today is the first day where it feels real that Thanksgiving is upon us.  I am left wondering where the majority of November went.  I am excited about Emily coming home for a few days and the gathering of friends and family that is Thanksgiving Day.  The amount of food we are making always seems to be overwhelming and not doable, and yet somehow magically it happens and everything pulls together!  All the core-members at Cleveland at spending Thanksgiving with their families.  This is especially nice as it means no one has to work that day.  I am driving Pete to Buffalo on Wednesday and this will be a long day of driving! 

I plan to spend a few hours cleaning and organizing my room this evening and tomorrow.  It has frown messy again while I was sick.  I am actually looking forward to spending time on this activity.  I value neatness and being clean, but do not generally enjoy the act of cleaning itself.  At least until recently. 

This evening, I attended a meeting of the Green Committee at the Highland home.  I am a quiet environmentalist.  I am not a fan of huge gestures, but realistic goals that one can actually achieve.  I often find it frustrating when people try to force their beliefs and actions on you.  I may not be radical, but it does not mean that I am not passionate about an issue.  The meeting was lovely.  It was discussion oriented, with people sharing thoughts and ideas.  I think that I am really going to enjoy this committee.

Music: "Ordinary Miracle" - Sarah McLachlan

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quote of the Day

"I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then perhaps I should, so that other giraffes may die" - Eddie Izzard

This makes me giggle like crazy every time I hear it. Eddie Izzard is brilliant and does not grow old in my opinion no matter how many times I hear his stand up. <3 <3

Music: "Death Star Canteen" - Eddie Izzard

A Look Back and Today's Highlights

This afternoon Jen and I were talking about the birthday party that I threw for Alan Rickman.  This was my junior year at Wells.  I invited a bunch of my friends both the few who appreciated Alan as much as I do and the ones who just love me enough to come. ;)  I even baked a cake!  We watched one of his movies and ate snacks.  It was awesome.  Here are some pictures. 
Jennie with Legolas in the background ;)

Adiya, Emily and Emmy


I know this is hugely dorky.  But is was such fun!  There was a picture of Alan Rickman as Professor Snape in yesterday's newspaper.  There is a flutter in my chest every time I look at it. 

Today was not very exciting.  The most interesting part of my day were determining the Thanksgiving menu with my mom and watching the scene where Violet turns into a blueberry from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory eight times!  Ian is particularly fond of this movie and it is on the TV frequently. :P   Oh yes, and having pumpkin pie baked by Jen's mom and brought by her boyfriend Matt.  It was delicious!  And I watched that music video by Kris Allen again multiple times. :P  It just makes me want to dance, and I watch is and grin.  I sometimes wonder at myself and how easily amused I am. 

Music: "Rise Above This" - Seether

Quote of the Day

"Your friendship is a special gift, generously given, happily accepted, and deeply appreciated!" - Unknown

Tonight at our DMD party, someone complimented me on what a nice group of friends I have gathered.  This lead to a reflection on my part.  It sometimes amazes me the history we have together.  The laughter, tears and memories.  The hopes for the future.  I know who to call if I ever need to bury a body and I know that they would call me too.  I am so truly grateful to you ladies.  So here's to you Emmy, Katie, Angela, Lizzie and Sabrina.  May we always be friends through thick and thin until we are little old ladies together, just like we planned. xoxoxo

Music: "Goodbye Earl" - Dixie Chicks

Art Theft and Returning to Work

This evening we had our monthly Dinner, Movie and Discussion (DMD) evening.  We had dinner together, watched a movie and then talked.  We have a pretty steady group that comes each month.  A mixture of my and my parents friends.  This month's movie was "The Thomas Crown Affair."  The recent one with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo.  I love this movie and have seen it many times.  Although this is the first time that I noticed that her dress in the ball scene is completely see through!  :O  My favorite scene is the faceless businessman in a bowler hat at the museum.  It is clever, stylish and so well done.  Let us not forget how delicious Pierce Brosnan is. ;) 

I am going back to work tomorrow afternoon.  I am excited and hope that my energy level stays up for the whole evening.  This will be another step towards normalcy again.  Lets hope that my cough goes away soon, it makes it difficult to sleep.

Music: "Sinnerman" - Nina Simone

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

"The only normal people are the one you don't know very well." - Joe Ancis

We are all quirky and unique each in our own ways.  This is what makes life awesome and people interesting!  I love learning new things about friends and people I may not know well.  I hope that you will learn new things about me!  I think being "normal" would be awfully boring.

Music: "Just the Way You Are" - Bruno Mars

Exploits of a Rabid Fangirl

I have spent a large part of my evening, other than napping, being a rabid fangirl.  Sometimes I just have to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of myself.  I have been literally bouncing in my chair trying not to explode from the absolute adorableness that is Kris Allen.  I mean we are talking massive amount of squeeing on my part. I called Emmy to try and draw her into my enthusiasm, but she was getting ready for bed and not really interested in talking to me.  I will admit that I totally pouted over the phone, but pouting never works on Emmy, even while in person never mind over the phone.  :P There is a video on his website in which he answers fan questions.  I seriously just want to squish him!  XD  

This seems to be a reaction I have often.  Why is it that I frequently want to cuddle and then feed guys I find attractive?  Bah.  Is this normal?  Sometime I wonder if I just want to mother people.  :P

Harry Potter 7 has midnight showing tonight.  We were going to go, but when Jen and I tried to buy tickets yesterday, they were sold out! :(  I am missing the gloriousness that is Alan Rickman!  I will have to watch either Sense and Sensibility or Love Actually for a while before bed to make up for it.  Alas, I am there in spirit only.  Although, exposing me while watching an Alan Rickman movie might be a little scary to those of my friends who do not know me well.  :P  You know what I am talking about.  (This is the girl that threw a birthday party for him)  :0  So it might be a good thing that we did not go.  Lol.

Music: "Alright with Me" - Kris Allen

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.  It's about learning how to dance in the rain..." 
- Vivian Greene

The storm, aka the flu, is starting to pass.  And while I did not dance in the rain, (a. because it was to cold and b. because I had not energy) I learned to appreciate my job more.  For both being busy and socializing with my friends at work.  I am eager to return, just wish my body was in agreement with my mind.

Music: "Raise Your Glass" - P!nk

Continuation of Attack of the Flying Pigs and Tales of Adventures in Wonderland

The saga of H1N1 continues.  I am mostly feeling better, with just a persistent cough, runny nose and zero energy.  Just in case anyone want to know, my mucus is neon green!  I think it is seriously cool, but no one else seems to agree.  I am down to two naps a day!  This is a significant improvement, even if it does not feel like one.  At least I am no longer contagious according to my doctor.  I am supposed to start work again tomorrow and I do not know how I am going to make it all eight hours.  :/  I never thought I would miss being able to go to work this much!  I have been going out of my mind with boredom.  And I miss socializing with people other than my parents. 

Today at work was the Alice in Wonderland tea party that I planned.  I was able to attend and it was so much fun!  Yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time making decorations, as I really needed something to occupy myself with.  Some of us dressed up like characters; I was Alice.  Here are some of the pictures:

The group

Me, Katie and Jens

Me dresses as Alice (PS does anyone know how to rotate this?)
Music: "If It's Love" - Train

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Appreciation of Absolute Awesomeness

Katie sent me this and I am consumed with its awesomeness and accuracy in how I feel every month.
something probably only a woman would appreciate

Music: "Alejandro" - Lady Gaga

Quote of the Day

"If you're going through hell, keep going..." - Winston Churchill

This seem rather appropriate to how I am feeling right now.  Well at least the Hell part.  Damn you H1N1!  >:(  I just wish there was this magical "Get Better" button you could push.  But then if it existed I doctors and nurses would not be necessary and I would not have a future career.  Hmmmmm.  Patience is a virtue, and one that I often do not have with myself.  And now some Adam Lambert to cheer myself up!

Music: "If I had You" - Adam Lambert

Attack of the flying pigs. >:(

Well hell.  I have the extreme dubious pleasure of having H1N1.  I feel like I have been run over by a mack truck.  Twice.  I am constantly cycling between sweating and being really freakin' cold!  And I am out of work for at least five days.  :/  I went to an urgent care clinic this morning and had the nasal swab test, which hurts btw!  The results were positive, and the NP said that I was the clinic's first confirmed case this season.  Oh joy.  Do I get a prize?  I always get so mad when I am sick.  It feels like my body is betraying me.  In addition, I have no idea by whom/where I was infected!  Grrrrrrrr.  >:(

Since I have basically nothing to do for the next five days, I need to come up with things to occupy myself with in between bouts of napping.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Apparently, according to the newspaper I am the first adult with a confirmed case in the county! WTF!!!!!!! I want a sticker or something.

Music: "Her Diamonds" - Rob Thomas

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Happiness is a journey, not a destination.  For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life.  But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.  At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. this perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness.  Happiness is the way.  So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one. " - Souza

For a long time, I have been asking myself, when is real life going to start?  When will I be able to be independent?  Why am I not where I had envisioned myself almost ten years after high school?  Why does life keep throwing what feels like the Grand Canyon in my path?  Hurdles that see to be insurmountable.  Today I took a step towards owning my future and where I want to be in life.  I just need to keep reminding myself that I need to keep moving forward even if it is just one step.

Music: "Breath" - Breaking Benjamin

A Step Forward and an Explosion of Cuteness

Today I took another step towards a goal in my 30 before 30 list.  My item of graduating nursing school.  I have decided to apply to St Joseph's College of Nursing.  This decision was a long time in coming.  I was not happy with the program at OCC.  It was all self directed and I do not learn well like that.  I need lecture in addition to reading and note taking, and I need to have due dates set for me.  I am not good at following through with self set time tables.  This is a bit of self-knowledge that is good to have.  For the longest time I have not been excited or really into the nursing program, which is a sharp difference from when I began.  This step forward has reawakened my enthusiasm and I feel happy and positive about nursing again. 

The home at Cleveland has a cat named Hannah, who belonged to Anna.  When Anna passed away at the end of August, Hannah seemed adrift and desperate for affection.  Lately she has grown very attached to Mike.  She even lets him hold her in his arms!  Hannah is generally reluctant about this.  Here is a picture of Mike and Hannah at dinner tonight.

Music: "Someday" - Nickelback

Quote of the Day

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "when I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." - Lewis Carroll

My mother loves the idea of six impossible things before breakfast.  There was a period of time where she would try to come up with six impossible things each day.  I am unfortunately much too practical to make this endeavor.  Mom often tells me that I need more whimsy in my life.  Something to work on, I suppose.

Music: "Love Story" - Taylor Swift

Bah, late again.  This is the quote of Tuesday. :P

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Adventures in Wonderland and being a fangirl

Every month at the Cleveland Rd home, we have a house celebration.  I am in charge of party planning, and have decided to spice up our soirees.  We now have themed parties!  September was a Pirate Party.  October had a masquerade in honor of Halloween.  This month the theme is Alice in Wonderland!  We are having a tea party and dressing up like characters from the book/movies.  I am super excited about putting this idea into reality.  Many ideas regarding decorating and costumes are swimming inside my mind.

Next week the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes to theaters!  Needless to say, I have been excited about this for weeks.  I have been a Harry Potter fan since before it was released in the United States.  For those of you who know me well, in addition to being a Harry Potter fan, I am a rabid Alan Rickman fangirl.  The voice, the hands, the entirety of the man himself!  I am bouncing in my chair just think about him.  I just find everything about the man incredibly attractive.  So, I am eagerly awaiting his performance as Professor Snape.  A group of us are going to a midnight showing, and Jenn is also an Alan Rickman fan.  I will have someone with me who appreciates the delectableness!

Music: "The Four Yorkshiremen" - Alan Rickman, Eddie Izzard, Harry Enfield and Vic Reeves

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quote of the Day

"I have no special talent.  I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

Being passionately curious is an inspiring way to live and approach the world.  This is a way of thinking that I want.  To always be asking questions and wondering about the nature of the world around me.  I will admit that often I think this is too much effort, or I just really do not want to know the answer.  They say ignorance is bliss, but I am not sure that I agree.

Music: "Closer to the Edge" - 30 Seconds to Mars

Adventures in Rocky Horror, goodbyes and being anal retentive

I have completed my first item on my 30 before 30 list!  On Halloween at 12 AM, I went to a showing of Rocky Horror.  My friend, Jeff, took me to the performance that was near his hometown of Olyphant, PA, which is close to Scranton.  The show was in an old movie theater and was sold out!  Jeff and I both went in costume.  I was dressed as a goth with a black and purple wig, bite me t-shirt, fishnets and black skirt.  Jeff went as the opening credits, with his face painted black and bright red lipstick.  We brought props that are used and thrown during the movie such as newspaper, rice and toast.  I had so much fun!  I have always loved the movie and wanted to see it in the theater for years.  Being with people who are even more enthusiastic that me was such a blast.  By the end I had rice and confetti everywhere, in addition to being hit in the back of the head by a very hard piece of toast!  Thank you Jeff for being such an awesome friend and sharing this experience with me. :D

This morning, I drove Emmy to the train station for her return to school.  Emily leaving is always bittersweet for me.  I love that she is happy and learning skills for a career that she adores, but I just wish it was closer.  :P  Emily and I have always gone to school together and lived together until recently.  It is still weird and somewhat lonely not to live with her.  I know logically that this would happen eventually, but a small part of me wishes we would live in at least the same town forever.  I do not know if this is a twin thing or just a best friend thing, but it is a lonely feeling that I then feel guilty about.  Bah.

I had the day off today, and planned to spend my free time cleaning and reorganizing my room.  I have lately become very invested in organizing and culling my belongings.  It is so satisfying to had a neat and organized space to live in.  Up until a few weeks ago, I did not even have the energy to think about cleaning.  My room had been in a constant state of chaos for months on end.  This was very frustrating.  I am anal retentive and enjoy order.  For example, the only part of my room that I had been able to organize was my DVD collection.  I have a rather vast number of DVDs that are organized in alphabetical order in sections of movies, box sets and TV shows.  I am enthusiastic about maintaining the neatness that currently exists and continuing to sort through all of my stuff.

Music: In honor of crossing of an item - "Sweet Transvestite" - Tim Curry

Quote of the Day

"Make yourself proud." - Peter W. Smith

This is short and to the point.  The quote is a reminder to myself that I need to strive to achieve goals and do things that are in my agenda.  I need to stop trying to please everyone all the time.  This gets to be exhausting and overwhelming.  It is never possible to make everyone happy or accomplish all they want.  I just set myself up for failure.  I need to be proud of myself and what I accomplish even if no one notices or affirms my actions.   This is a lot harder than it seems.  It shall be a work in progress.

Music: Beautiful - Elvis Costello
Publish Post

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Musings and Culinary Delights

Today I watched CBS Sunday Morning.  I had not done this in years.  When Emily and I were younger we used to watch this every week with our mom.  It was such a nostalgia moment for me.  I had forgotten how well done it is and how much I enjoyed the show.  I am not a fan of morning TV shows in general, but I may have to start getting up earlier on Sundays and making this a part of my routine.

My twin, Emily, is home for the weekend.  She is away studying at the CIA to become a chef.  It is always so wonderful to have her home.  For one, she is my favorite person in the entire world.  And secondly, she always cooks when home! ;)  Today we had a brunch that Emmy planned and prepared.  It was absolutely lovely!  The menu consisted of oatmeal waffles, orange cranberry muffins, apricot mustard glazed sausage with rosemary, breakfast pizza and mimosas.  Needless to say, I ate way too much food!  Gathering together with friends over food is one of my favorite activities.

Music: Bach's Goldberg Variations - Glenn Gould

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia

I love this quote because it pretty much sums up my approach to life.  I wholeheartedly believe in being kind, even when you really do not feel like it. Perhaps especially then.  Treat others as you wish to be treated.  I strive for this everyday.  So smile and always say thank you, you never know it may make someone's day or even inspire them to do the same.

Music: "Thank You" Alanis Morrisette

P.S. Don't forget to change your clock back an hour tonight for Daylight Savings :)

The Big 3-0

My mother often teases me that I am thirty.  Her reasoning is that at 26, almost 27, I am now in the 26-30 demographic and why not just round up.  I usually get way too worked up about her teasing.  I have done some thinking about why I am so touchy about turning thirty.  One of the conclusions that I have come to is that there are so many things I want to accomplish before I hit the big 3-0.   So I have decided to take on a 30 before 30 list!  Simply making this list is both energizing and getting me enthusiastic about crossing things off my list and causing thirty to be a little less daunting.

So without further ado, and in no particular order, here it is:

30 Before 30

  1. Run a 5K
  2. Get a second tattoo (1/5/2011 and it is soo PRETTY!!!!)
  3. Go to Vegas
  4. Move out of my parents house
  5. Graduate nursing school
  6. Have my first kiss
  7. Have a boyfriend
  8. Visit London
  9. Become skilled at Go
  10. See Old Faithful go off
  11. Loose 40 pounds
  12. Get a piercing other than in my ears
  13. Develop a taste for beer
  14. Dye my hair
  15. Read all of Jean Vanier's books
  16. Educate my wine palate
  17. See Adam Lambert in concert
  18. Have a dog
  19. Go skydiving
  20. Stop drinking soda
  21. Find a parish and attend Mass regularly
  22. Learn to tango
  23. Drive cross country
  24. See Rocky Horror Picture Show on Halloween with live performance (10/31/2010 And it was AWESOME!)
  25. Hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
  26. Take a knife skills class
  27. See Eddie Izzard live
  28. Knit something other than a scarf
  29. Learn Yoga
  30. Exercise at least three days a week for one year

It shall be an interesting journey towards accomplishing these goals!  Here's to being ambitious in my expectations of myself and reaching for the stars.

Music: "Love the Way You Lie" Eminem ft Rihanna