Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quote of the Day

"I am an evil giraffe, and I shall eat more leaves from this tree then perhaps I should, so that other giraffes may die" - Eddie Izzard

This makes me giggle like crazy every time I hear it. Eddie Izzard is brilliant and does not grow old in my opinion no matter how many times I hear his stand up. <3 <3

Music: "Death Star Canteen" - Eddie Izzard

A Look Back and Today's Highlights

This afternoon Jen and I were talking about the birthday party that I threw for Alan Rickman.  This was my junior year at Wells.  I invited a bunch of my friends both the few who appreciated Alan as much as I do and the ones who just love me enough to come. ;)  I even baked a cake!  We watched one of his movies and ate snacks.  It was awesome.  Here are some pictures. 
Jennie with Legolas in the background ;)

Adiya, Emily and Emmy


I know this is hugely dorky.  But is was such fun!  There was a picture of Alan Rickman as Professor Snape in yesterday's newspaper.  There is a flutter in my chest every time I look at it. 

Today was not very exciting.  The most interesting part of my day were determining the Thanksgiving menu with my mom and watching the scene where Violet turns into a blueberry from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory eight times!  Ian is particularly fond of this movie and it is on the TV frequently. :P   Oh yes, and having pumpkin pie baked by Jen's mom and brought by her boyfriend Matt.  It was delicious!  And I watched that music video by Kris Allen again multiple times. :P  It just makes me want to dance, and I watch is and grin.  I sometimes wonder at myself and how easily amused I am. 

Music: "Rise Above This" - Seether

Quote of the Day

"Your friendship is a special gift, generously given, happily accepted, and deeply appreciated!" - Unknown

Tonight at our DMD party, someone complimented me on what a nice group of friends I have gathered.  This lead to a reflection on my part.  It sometimes amazes me the history we have together.  The laughter, tears and memories.  The hopes for the future.  I know who to call if I ever need to bury a body and I know that they would call me too.  I am so truly grateful to you ladies.  So here's to you Emmy, Katie, Angela, Lizzie and Sabrina.  May we always be friends through thick and thin until we are little old ladies together, just like we planned. xoxoxo

Music: "Goodbye Earl" - Dixie Chicks

Art Theft and Returning to Work

This evening we had our monthly Dinner, Movie and Discussion (DMD) evening.  We had dinner together, watched a movie and then talked.  We have a pretty steady group that comes each month.  A mixture of my and my parents friends.  This month's movie was "The Thomas Crown Affair."  The recent one with Pierce Brosnan and Rene Russo.  I love this movie and have seen it many times.  Although this is the first time that I noticed that her dress in the ball scene is completely see through!  :O  My favorite scene is the faceless businessman in a bowler hat at the museum.  It is clever, stylish and so well done.  Let us not forget how delicious Pierce Brosnan is. ;) 

I am going back to work tomorrow afternoon.  I am excited and hope that my energy level stays up for the whole evening.  This will be another step towards normalcy again.  Lets hope that my cough goes away soon, it makes it difficult to sleep.

Music: "Sinnerman" - Nina Simone

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Quote of the Day

"The only normal people are the one you don't know very well." - Joe Ancis

We are all quirky and unique each in our own ways.  This is what makes life awesome and people interesting!  I love learning new things about friends and people I may not know well.  I hope that you will learn new things about me!  I think being "normal" would be awfully boring.

Music: "Just the Way You Are" - Bruno Mars

Exploits of a Rabid Fangirl

I have spent a large part of my evening, other than napping, being a rabid fangirl.  Sometimes I just have to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of myself.  I have been literally bouncing in my chair trying not to explode from the absolute adorableness that is Kris Allen.  I mean we are talking massive amount of squeeing on my part. I called Emmy to try and draw her into my enthusiasm, but she was getting ready for bed and not really interested in talking to me.  I will admit that I totally pouted over the phone, but pouting never works on Emmy, even while in person never mind over the phone.  :P There is a video on his website in which he answers fan questions.  I seriously just want to squish him!  XD  

This seems to be a reaction I have often.  Why is it that I frequently want to cuddle and then feed guys I find attractive?  Bah.  Is this normal?  Sometime I wonder if I just want to mother people.  :P

Harry Potter 7 has midnight showing tonight.  We were going to go, but when Jen and I tried to buy tickets yesterday, they were sold out! :(  I am missing the gloriousness that is Alan Rickman!  I will have to watch either Sense and Sensibility or Love Actually for a while before bed to make up for it.  Alas, I am there in spirit only.  Although, exposing me while watching an Alan Rickman movie might be a little scary to those of my friends who do not know me well.  :P  You know what I am talking about.  (This is the girl that threw a birthday party for him)  :0  So it might be a good thing that we did not go.  Lol.

Music: "Alright with Me" - Kris Allen

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Quote of the Day

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.  It's about learning how to dance in the rain..." 
- Vivian Greene

The storm, aka the flu, is starting to pass.  And while I did not dance in the rain, (a. because it was to cold and b. because I had not energy) I learned to appreciate my job more.  For both being busy and socializing with my friends at work.  I am eager to return, just wish my body was in agreement with my mind.

Music: "Raise Your Glass" - P!nk

Continuation of Attack of the Flying Pigs and Tales of Adventures in Wonderland

The saga of H1N1 continues.  I am mostly feeling better, with just a persistent cough, runny nose and zero energy.  Just in case anyone want to know, my mucus is neon green!  I think it is seriously cool, but no one else seems to agree.  I am down to two naps a day!  This is a significant improvement, even if it does not feel like one.  At least I am no longer contagious according to my doctor.  I am supposed to start work again tomorrow and I do not know how I am going to make it all eight hours.  :/  I never thought I would miss being able to go to work this much!  I have been going out of my mind with boredom.  And I miss socializing with people other than my parents. 

Today at work was the Alice in Wonderland tea party that I planned.  I was able to attend and it was so much fun!  Yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time making decorations, as I really needed something to occupy myself with.  Some of us dressed up like characters; I was Alice.  Here are some of the pictures:

The group

Me, Katie and Jens

Me dresses as Alice (PS does anyone know how to rotate this?)
Music: "If It's Love" - Train