Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Continuation of Attack of the Flying Pigs and Tales of Adventures in Wonderland

The saga of H1N1 continues.  I am mostly feeling better, with just a persistent cough, runny nose and zero energy.  Just in case anyone want to know, my mucus is neon green!  I think it is seriously cool, but no one else seems to agree.  I am down to two naps a day!  This is a significant improvement, even if it does not feel like one.  At least I am no longer contagious according to my doctor.  I am supposed to start work again tomorrow and I do not know how I am going to make it all eight hours.  :/  I never thought I would miss being able to go to work this much!  I have been going out of my mind with boredom.  And I miss socializing with people other than my parents. 

Today at work was the Alice in Wonderland tea party that I planned.  I was able to attend and it was so much fun!  Yesterday, I spent quite a bit of time making decorations, as I really needed something to occupy myself with.  Some of us dressed up like characters; I was Alice.  Here are some of the pictures:

The group

Me, Katie and Jens

Me dresses as Alice (PS does anyone know how to rotate this?)
Music: "If It's Love" - Train

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