Thursday, November 18, 2010

Exploits of a Rabid Fangirl

I have spent a large part of my evening, other than napping, being a rabid fangirl.  Sometimes I just have to laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of myself.  I have been literally bouncing in my chair trying not to explode from the absolute adorableness that is Kris Allen.  I mean we are talking massive amount of squeeing on my part. I called Emmy to try and draw her into my enthusiasm, but she was getting ready for bed and not really interested in talking to me.  I will admit that I totally pouted over the phone, but pouting never works on Emmy, even while in person never mind over the phone.  :P There is a video on his website in which he answers fan questions.  I seriously just want to squish him!  XD  

This seems to be a reaction I have often.  Why is it that I frequently want to cuddle and then feed guys I find attractive?  Bah.  Is this normal?  Sometime I wonder if I just want to mother people.  :P

Harry Potter 7 has midnight showing tonight.  We were going to go, but when Jen and I tried to buy tickets yesterday, they were sold out! :(  I am missing the gloriousness that is Alan Rickman!  I will have to watch either Sense and Sensibility or Love Actually for a while before bed to make up for it.  Alas, I am there in spirit only.  Although, exposing me while watching an Alan Rickman movie might be a little scary to those of my friends who do not know me well.  :P  You know what I am talking about.  (This is the girl that threw a birthday party for him)  :0  So it might be a good thing that we did not go.  Lol.

Music: "Alright with Me" - Kris Allen

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