Monday, November 8, 2010

Adventures in Rocky Horror, goodbyes and being anal retentive

I have completed my first item on my 30 before 30 list!  On Halloween at 12 AM, I went to a showing of Rocky Horror.  My friend, Jeff, took me to the performance that was near his hometown of Olyphant, PA, which is close to Scranton.  The show was in an old movie theater and was sold out!  Jeff and I both went in costume.  I was dressed as a goth with a black and purple wig, bite me t-shirt, fishnets and black skirt.  Jeff went as the opening credits, with his face painted black and bright red lipstick.  We brought props that are used and thrown during the movie such as newspaper, rice and toast.  I had so much fun!  I have always loved the movie and wanted to see it in the theater for years.  Being with people who are even more enthusiastic that me was such a blast.  By the end I had rice and confetti everywhere, in addition to being hit in the back of the head by a very hard piece of toast!  Thank you Jeff for being such an awesome friend and sharing this experience with me. :D

This morning, I drove Emmy to the train station for her return to school.  Emily leaving is always bittersweet for me.  I love that she is happy and learning skills for a career that she adores, but I just wish it was closer.  :P  Emily and I have always gone to school together and lived together until recently.  It is still weird and somewhat lonely not to live with her.  I know logically that this would happen eventually, but a small part of me wishes we would live in at least the same town forever.  I do not know if this is a twin thing or just a best friend thing, but it is a lonely feeling that I then feel guilty about.  Bah.

I had the day off today, and planned to spend my free time cleaning and reorganizing my room.  I have lately become very invested in organizing and culling my belongings.  It is so satisfying to had a neat and organized space to live in.  Up until a few weeks ago, I did not even have the energy to think about cleaning.  My room had been in a constant state of chaos for months on end.  This was very frustrating.  I am anal retentive and enjoy order.  For example, the only part of my room that I had been able to organize was my DVD collection.  I have a rather vast number of DVDs that are organized in alphabetical order in sections of movies, box sets and TV shows.  I am enthusiastic about maintaining the neatness that currently exists and continuing to sort through all of my stuff.

Music: In honor of crossing of an item - "Sweet Transvestite" - Tim Curry

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