Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Adventures in Wonderland and being a fangirl

Every month at the Cleveland Rd home, we have a house celebration.  I am in charge of party planning, and have decided to spice up our soirees.  We now have themed parties!  September was a Pirate Party.  October had a masquerade in honor of Halloween.  This month the theme is Alice in Wonderland!  We are having a tea party and dressing up like characters from the book/movies.  I am super excited about putting this idea into reality.  Many ideas regarding decorating and costumes are swimming inside my mind.

Next week the first part of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes to theaters!  Needless to say, I have been excited about this for weeks.  I have been a Harry Potter fan since before it was released in the United States.  For those of you who know me well, in addition to being a Harry Potter fan, I am a rabid Alan Rickman fangirl.  The voice, the hands, the entirety of the man himself!  I am bouncing in my chair just think about him.  I just find everything about the man incredibly attractive.  So, I am eagerly awaiting his performance as Professor Snape.  A group of us are going to a midnight showing, and Jenn is also an Alan Rickman fan.  I will have someone with me who appreciates the delectableness!

Music: "The Four Yorkshiremen" - Alan Rickman, Eddie Izzard, Harry Enfield and Vic Reeves

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