Saturday, November 13, 2010

Attack of the flying pigs. >:(

Well hell.  I have the extreme dubious pleasure of having H1N1.  I feel like I have been run over by a mack truck.  Twice.  I am constantly cycling between sweating and being really freakin' cold!  And I am out of work for at least five days.  :/  I went to an urgent care clinic this morning and had the nasal swab test, which hurts btw!  The results were positive, and the NP said that I was the clinic's first confirmed case this season.  Oh joy.  Do I get a prize?  I always get so mad when I am sick.  It feels like my body is betraying me.  In addition, I have no idea by whom/where I was infected!  Grrrrrrrr.  >:(

Since I have basically nothing to do for the next five days, I need to come up with things to occupy myself with in between bouts of napping.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. Apparently, according to the newspaper I am the first adult with a confirmed case in the county! WTF!!!!!!! I want a sticker or something.

Music: "Her Diamonds" - Rob Thomas


  1. Maybe start the knitting portion of your 30x30?

  2. hmmmm not a bad idea, except I don't know how to knit anything other than a scarf, and I have the attention span of a gnat in between bouts of napping. I feel like a narcoleptic. :(
