Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Step Forward and an Explosion of Cuteness

Today I took another step towards a goal in my 30 before 30 list.  My item of graduating nursing school.  I have decided to apply to St Joseph's College of Nursing.  This decision was a long time in coming.  I was not happy with the program at OCC.  It was all self directed and I do not learn well like that.  I need lecture in addition to reading and note taking, and I need to have due dates set for me.  I am not good at following through with self set time tables.  This is a bit of self-knowledge that is good to have.  For the longest time I have not been excited or really into the nursing program, which is a sharp difference from when I began.  This step forward has reawakened my enthusiasm and I feel happy and positive about nursing again. 

The home at Cleveland has a cat named Hannah, who belonged to Anna.  When Anna passed away at the end of August, Hannah seemed adrift and desperate for affection.  Lately she has grown very attached to Mike.  She even lets him hold her in his arms!  Hannah is generally reluctant about this.  Here is a picture of Mike and Hannah at dinner tonight.

Music: "Someday" - Nickelback

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