Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Escapades of an Evil Genius

Today I drove Pete to Buffalo so that he could spend Thanksgiving with his sister.  This is a three hour drive each way.  When on long car rides, Pete usually brings his headphones and listens to Mama Mia on repeat.  This would not be problem except that he sings along.  Loudly.  And off-key.  Needless to say I was a little apprehensive about a three hour ride with him.  But, mwahahahahaha!  I am an evil genius.  *Envision rubbing my hands together.*  I got Pete to sleep the whole way to Buffalo!!!!  This was done with some prior knowledge of Pete.  He pretty much always sleeps in the car if it is a longer ride than 15 min, unless he is listening to music where he knows the words.  So, I suggested that we listen to one of his CDs on the car stereo, the Irish music.  ;)  There are no words to sing and within 10 min he was nodding off.  He slept until we exited in Buffalo! It made for a very peaceful drive.  On the way home I listened to a playlist i made for the trip and Kris Allen's album on my ipod with the volume turned way up. :)  Very enjoyable.

And to make today even better, Emmy had a great day in the kitchen at school!   She'll be home in less than 24 hours!!! :D <3 <3

Music: "The Truth" - Kris Allen ft Pat Monahan

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