Monday, December 20, 2010

Catch Up and Christmas Preparations

The past month or so has been busy and I have unfortunately gotten out of the habit of posting daily. This is going to be one of my New Year's resolutions I think. So lets see what has been happening since I last wrote. Thanksgiving was wonderful. Having people together and wonderful food is one of life's greatest pleasures, in my opinion. I guess you could say that I have a feeding people thing. One of my first impulses when I find someone attractive is to feed and cuddle them. Maybe it is a nurturing thing.

Last weekend, I accompanied Eric, a coremember, to New York City for a four day vacation. It was lovely. The weather was fantastic, chilly but not extremely cold. We visited many places around the city including Central Park, Union Square, the Met, Times Square, the Hard Rock Cafe, and Rockefeller Center. We stayed with Joe and Nora, friends of the L'arche community, in their apartment in Chelsea in Manhattan. They are so gracious and generous with their time and hospitality. Spending time bonding with Gabi was wonderful! In addition, I had to opportunity to see Alice, who majored in physics with me at Wells. We had dinner one night and it was so fantastic to catch up with her! Plus, the food at the restaurant was out of this world! :D

Getting ready for Christmas always seems like such a herculean effort. There is so much to accomplish and every year is squished into a small period of time. I perhaps would not mind it, if the work was spread out over a greater period of time. But then I am a procrastinator to the end, and even going in with the best intentions and plans, I wait until the last minute. At least my Christmas shopping has been done for over a week. I still need to wrap the gifts, but that is on my agenda for tomorrow. Our tree is finally decorated, and it always astounds me how beautiful it is each year. My parents have a gorgeous collection of ornaments, and my father's application of lights to the tree is a work of art.

I have to next two days off of work and have a great many things to accomplish. Emily arrives home on the 22nd, which I am greatly anticipating. This is such a busy time of year and yet is one of my favorites.

Music: "The Wexford Carol" - Yo Yo Ma and Alison Krauss

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